R&D – Phase 1

Step 1.

I used Houdini to create a Height Map. There is a procedure in which you can import displacement maps independent of the process. The figure below was developed from a still of an amateur couple performing the sex act of pegging. I then used multiple noise and terracing functions to further convert the displacement map to make it look more like terrain. I then implemented an “erode” function to generate debris and hydraulic effects onto the map. I am working on developing a system of shaders in which I can export the simulated water into its own material that I can hopefully get to look like ejaculate.


Afterwards, I imported the height map into Cinema 4D. I tried to composite this displacement map onto a video of pegging, which I exported into a png sequence using Adobe After Effects.

The results are definitely neat, but not quite what i’m looking for. Below is a rendered video.


And here is a top-down view of the action:

PPegDraft0100I’m honestly a pretty big proponent of these results, but would like to work with the materials and do more experiments with the compositing and displacement mapping. There is a way to export the erosion process as a png sequence, and I think it will add more intricacies to the animations.

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